Hypertension [High Blood Pressure]

Persistenet Haedache, Hevy Pain in chest, fatigue, brethlessness on walking or climbing, swelling over feet, palpitation.

What is Diabetics ?

Unusal thirst or urination (Especialy at night), unhealing ulcers, recurrent fungal infections

What is Tyroid?

Unexplained weight gain or waight loss, Too low or too high appetite, menstrual irregulartities, Infertility, fatigue, dry skin, sconstpation, hair loss

What is Asthma?

Dry cough, Wheezing, breathlessness

What is Stokes/Paralysis?

Weakness of half side of body giddiness and slurred speech

What is Epilepsy?

Sudden, jerky involuntery movements, sudden fall from standing.

What is Obesity?

Weight above normal average, weight for age and height, body mass index more 25, snoring at night.

What is Kidney Diseases?

Sweling over face, decresed urine output, blood in urine, painful urination

What is HIV Positive (self or spouse)?

weight loss, anorexia, unusaul recurrent infections.

What is infectious disease?

fever, coough, cold, urine infection, skin erruption, throot pain, earpain, ear dischargem watering from eys. redness in eye, dischage from eye